

  A new study shows people with allergic rhinitis from hay fever and other types of一项新的研究显示,患有过敏性鼻炎花粉病和其他类型的 allergies过敏 allergies过敏 have more difficulty sleeping and are more than twice as likely to suffer from有更多的入睡困难,超过两倍的可能性 sleep disorders睡眠失调 sleep disorders睡眠失调 such as如 insomnia失眠, insomnia失眠, .

  Researchers say both allergies and sleep disorders are common conditions, but this is the first study to specifically look at whether the two might be related.研究人员说,都是很常见的过敏反应和睡眠失调的情况,但是这是首次明确看看是否有两个可能相关的。

  Allergies affect from 20% to 50% of Americans and occur when pollen or other allergens, such as pet dander or dust, irritate and inflame the nasal passages, causing symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, and watery eyes.从20%到50%过敏症影响的美国人,发生在花粉或其他过敏原,如宠物毛或粉尘、刺激和烧着的鼻孔,引起的症状,如打喷嚏,流鼻涕,湿润的眼睛。

  Sleep disorders, including insomnia,睡眠紊乱,包括失眠, sleep apnea睡眠呼吸暂停 sleep apnea睡眠呼吸暂停 (irregular breathing during sleep), and excessive daytime sleepiness, affect up to 30% of the population.(不规则的睡眠呼吸中断),和过多的白天嗜睡,影响到30%的人口。

  Allergies and Sleep Disorders过敏反应和睡眠失调

  In the study, French researchers compared the prevalence of sleep disorders and other troubles sleeping in a group of 591 people who were being treated for allergic rhinitis with a similar group of 502 adults without allergic rhinitis.在这项研究中,法国研究人员比较流行的睡眠紊乱和其它问题睡在一群591人被确诊为过敏性鼻炎有类似群502成年人无过敏性鼻炎。

  The results showed that all sleep disorders and sleep-related complaints were much more common in people with allergies than those without.试验结果表明,睡眠失调及睡眠投诉更为常见的过敏的人比那些没有。

  For example:例如:

  36% of people with allergic rhinitis reported insomnia compared with 16% of those without.患有过敏性鼻炎的36%的16%报告失眠相比。

  42% of those with allergic rhinitis vs. 18% of those without said they had difficulty falling asleep.对那些有过敏性鼻炎的42%,18%的人。没有表示,他们已经难以入睡。

  63% of allergic rhinitis sufferers said they felt like they weren't getting enough sleep compared with 25% of the controls.过敏性鼻炎患者63%说他们觉得他们没有得到足够的睡眠比起25%的控制。

  Researcher Damien Léger, MD, of Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris, and colleagues also found that the severity of sleep disorders and troubles sleeping increased as the severity of symptoms increased.研究者达医学援助加利福尼亚州Hopitaux Publique巴黎,和同事们还发现严重的睡眠障碍和困难的严重睡眠增加症状增加。With worsening symptoms, people slept fewer hours, took longer to fall asleep, felt sleepy more often during the day, and found it more necessary to take sedatives.症状,人们用恶化所花的时间少睡几个小时,睡了,觉得困倦,更经常在白天,发现它更有必要采取镇静剂。

  They say the results, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, suggest that people with allergies should talk with their doctors about any sleeping problems to aid in early detection and treatment of sleep disorders and to improve their quality of life.他们说,这一研究结果发表于《内科医学档案》,建议人们应该与他们的医生的过敏反应的任何关于睡眠的问题来帮助早期的诊断和治疗睡眠障碍,提高他们的生活质量。